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" The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils : The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted. "
Shakespeare Proverbs: Or, The Wise Saws of Our Wisest Poet Collected Into a ... - Side 101
av William Shakespeare, Mary Cowden Clarke - 1848 - 145 sider
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Imagination and fancy; or Selections from the English poets, with critical ...

Leigh Hunt - 1845 - 372 sider
...hard, and full of rage, But musick for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath no musick in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet...sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted.—Mark...
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Imagination and Fancy: Or, Selections from the English Poets, Illustrative ...

Leigh Hunt - 1845 - 278 sider
...of rage, But music for the time doth change its nature. The man that hath no music in himself, JVor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted.—Mark...
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Imagination and Fancy: Or, Selections from the English Poets, Illustrative ...

Leigh Hunt - 1845 - 280 sider
...of rage, But music for the time doth change its nature. The man that hath no music in himself, JVor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted.—Mark...
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Elocution, Or, Mental and Vocal Philosophy: Involving the Principles of ...

C. P. Bronson - 1845 - 418 sider
...every idle vanity. The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark. When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if she should sing by day, When every goose is cackling, would be though No better a musician than the wren. How many things by season, season'd are To their rigbl praise...
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Introduction to American Literature: Or, The Origin and Development of the ...

Eliphalet L. Rice - 1846 - 432 sider
...of music : — Therefore the poet But music for the time doth change his nature: The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is Jit for treasons, stratagems, aud spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections...
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Comedies. Two gentlemen of Verona

William Shakespeare - 1847 - 762 sider
...stockish, hard, and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath im In parcels, as I did, would have gone near To fall...him ; but for my part I love him not, nor hate him motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted....
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Shakespeare's Plays: With His Life, Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1847 - 730 sider
...stockish, hard, and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath you will or no. Fer. My mistress, dearest. And I thus...- m m l.,.-'-': Лот III. Soini 1.— Admir'd Lu motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted....
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Cyclopædia of English Literature: A Selection of the Choicest Productions ...

Robert Chambers - 1847 - 712 sider
...stockish, hard, and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath not e about motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus : Let no such man be trusted....
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: Merchant of Venice ; As you like it ; All's ...

William Shakespeare, Alexander Chalmers - 1847 - 536 sider
...hard, and full of rage, But musick for the time doth change his nature : The man that hath no musick in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet...Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus : Let no such man be trusted....
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Cyclopaedia of English Literature: First period, from the earliest times to 1400

Robert Chambers - 1847 - 712 sider
...stockish, hard, and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath not years yet I may go on trust with him toward the payment of what I am no for treasons, stratagems, and s]«/ii- ; The motions of his spirit are dull a» night, And his affections...
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